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New book details pure power of 21-day dietary regime

A new dietary concept which claims to transform eating habits in just 21 days is explained in a newly-launched book.

The programme, ‘PURE 5:2’, is based on author Robyn Randolph’s seventeen years of teaching raw food workshops and her work with people with dietary and weight loss issues. PURE stands for ‘Phytochemicals, Unprocessed, Raw and Enzyme-rich’ foods.

Developed with her husband Geoff, the programme merges intermittent fasting and intuitive eating trends into a 21-day programme. It is based on choosing nutrient-dense foods to give the body exactly what it needs to function optimally without cravings, energy or mood dips or toxic withdrawal – making fasting days easy.

Robyn Randolph says the programme was inspired by the way she turned her life around after a series of health problems and a sudden poisoning by off-gassing molecules of oil-based paint.

“There were times when I could barely open my eyes and for months it was often unbearable to even make it through a single minute. Slowly, through juicing, eating foods with high nutrient densities and eating raw, I turned my life around,” she said. “I was then inspired to develop the PURE recipes and lifestyle to share this with others. This is a plan for long-term health that will change people’s relationship with food in a positive way.”

The book, ‘PURE 5:2 Transformation in 21 Days’, is published by Pure Highland Living.

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